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MA ColorSEM Contest    ( is closed! )

Who has the most interesting and most impressive ColorSEM picture?


* Entitled to take part is each natural person.
* Per person maximally 3 pictures can be submitted.
* The pictures are mixed after your intuition and should be sent in format Multi-TIF
   via E-Mail (ZIP for reduction of data).
* Both pictures of the current test software and pictures of older ColorSEM versions are accepted.
* The pictures are converted by us into ColorSEM pictures without 'DEMO' stamp
     - for the participant
     - to the publication on this side
* The participant explains itself to be agree with the publication with
   (when desired anonymizates).
* Closing date: still open

With a number of participants of at least two participants and at least three pictures total the best (most impressive) picture is determined (under exclusion of the course of law).

What do we expect of it?
   ... impressive pictures, which clarify the attractiveness of the ColorSEM software.

What do you have of it?
   You keep maximally three colored Electron Microscope images (without demo stamp) converted free of charge and the chance, to win a license for the ColorSEM software. If the winner already is in the possession of a license, he receives as a substitute a free license for MA-Table.

Please send Multi TIF format pictures (brightness, contrast, colors, color saturation etc. ready mixed, at least 1 and maximally 3) with a short explanation about the sample (description, magnification and high voltage, SE or BE image etc.) to: