You will find news, new topics and information here...
An update of websites and related content was created after really very long period.
The most important thing is a new MA-Table version 2.10, available for downloads. Much expected from many users now the installer is completely Win7 compatible and installs MA-Table also on 64 bit systems.
to download
If you like to get information about other extensions and improvements, just have a look into the extenden Manual.
to PDF Download
A new Version 1.70 of MA-Table is now available for download.
The new Version 1.60 of MA-Table is now available for download. Beside a smart face lifting and usual bug fixing also some functional extensions were implemented. Let you surprise...
to download
There are some problems with discussion forum. This is because termination of all forum activities by the used provider ( We will move as quick as possible to provide this service again. Please be patient.
... improved version of MA-Table (version 1.52)
to download
... improved version of MA-Table (version 1.51)
to download
... improved version of MA-Table (version 1.50)
to download
... MA-Table board is open for discussion, questions and suggestions regarding MA-Table and spectra simulation stuff
to forum
... improved version of MA-Table (version 1.49)
to download
There was a mistake with our online submission for analysis labs during last months. All who tried to submit without any success are hereby requested to try once again. We do not like to ignore you... simply, the information was sucked from web-jungle without any inputs in our mail-box.
Submission for analysis labs there
MICROANALYST.NET is celebrating 5th anniversary of online start. First year this was only in German. You can look to the development reading this site further. The offer of information, software and for discussion was constantly enlarged. We increased the visit rate to 200 visitors each day
current statistics
]. The main side (menu page) received a small face lifting with an additional search offer, to search fast within sides.
Many thanks to all users for proven loyalty!
MA-Table version 1.40 ist ready for download:
What's new with V.: 1.40?
Download MA-Table version 1.40
A new turorial is available: "How to use the discussion forum"
Window-view of current forum
The "10th. European Workshop" of EMAS will be in May 2007 (Antwerp, Belgium). The Deadline for abstracts is at the end of this month. Additional information:
EMAS 2007
More than 100.000 visits were counted during the last about 4 years of MICROANALYST.NET. There are in mean more than 100 visitors each day
]. The portion of the attendance of English sides grows strongly.
The new topic-orientated forum starts to live
] , but it could be used much more intensive for questions and knowledge exchange around the topics 'X-ray Microanalysis', 'EDX / EDS' and 'Electron Microscopy'.
There are some problems with navigation of sides. This is because a change of these web-pages to a new system at provider-side. These problems are also with direct calls from installed software (e.g. registration of software). We hope to overcome the problems soon.
There were installation problems with MA-Navigator software (MA-Navi and with the installation together with ColorSEM and MA-Table). In most cases MA-Navi didn't run (error message with missing a file). This installation-bug is fixed now. It makes sense to try a new installation. The same is for MA-Table, which is available in new version 1.22 (from March 2006) and an additional spectra composer.
to software download
MA-Navigator is a quite useful tool to organize work and to keep overview with access to several analytical programs and device controls.
info MA-Navi +
manual MA-Navi
The form is enlarged now and open for topic-related discussion. The old forum is maintained with its contents and can be further used for postings. I wish you enjoy in reading, posting and discussion. I'm looking forward to fresh and content-heavy contributions.
A new freeware with name MA-Navigator is ready for download: Download MA-Navigator
It is a small however useful Tool for the organization of the work with lab equipment. The different programs needed for the work can be summarized efficiently. MA-Navigator is always ready to start the desired program with only one hit or few mouse clicks. Further information: Manual
We are surprised over the large interest in ColorSEM software. In only one month the test software was downloaded 55 times. Therefore we decided 'to out-praise' a competition for the best ColorSEM picture. The pictures are published and the winners receive a free license. The conditions of participation you will find here: ColorSEM Contest
A new software is ready for download. Upgrade your black & white Electron Microscope images with colors for presentations and reports. Use the color as additional dimension with additional information content. ColorSEM merges your electron images with element images (MAPs) to a colored Electron Microscope picture. The color contains real analytical information and it is not only a coloration of images with false colors.
Happy and successful new year 2006 to all visitors.
The new version MA-Table 1.20 is ready for download. You will find the new features in short explanation (extended information you will find in the enlarged manual):
A 'Nano-Trip', this is not really a commercial of travel agency, but a very interesting and funny internet project about a 'trip into micro- and nano- world' of German authorities and some organizations.
You should have high-speed internet access, an activated sound-board and a couple of minutes of spare time... then the trip can start. Please jump into the bus:
For visitors who are searching for analytical services, a new service site was created. Here all are to be summarized on one view, who are offer services in the areas of solid-state analysis and common microanalysis. Analysis laboratories, which offer services on these topics, are hereby requested to register itself free of charge:
The information part of was extended with english translations.

The paper "Standardless Electron Probe Microanalysis" is available in English translation now.
A new download of a poster was added, presented at conference EMAS/IUMAS 2005 in Florence. The title is: "EDX Spectra Simulation in EPMA / Optimisation of Excitation Conditions, Calculation of Detection Limits"
Version 1.12 of MA-Table is ready now. The new features mainly for not-licensed version are:
- advertisement breaks during run of not-licensed version do not lead to the loss of the
current focus during inputs (see the wish in forum-discussion)
- with continued running time the advertisement comes more rarely
A new version of MA-Table is ready now for download (version 1.10). Beside a set of other advantages and improvements a disply of mass absorption coefficients for all elements and a calculation of the absorption in selectable layer ticknesses are included. Now there is a new button to all spectra simulation features (direct call).
Happy and successful new year 2005 to all visitors and X-ray microanalysis folk!
A guide-site is already launched in WWW with the topic of 'Microanalysis and EDX' a couple of weeks ago. This site is a brand new independent Sub-URL of
A very new PPT-presentation about:
"EDX-Spectra Simulation /
Optimization of Excitation Conditions and Detection Limit Calculations in EPMA"
is ready for download. An also brand new PDF is available with an other topic:
"Analysis of very thin layers with X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) -
efficiency and detection limits"
(but the second is unfortunately only in German). Both Downloads are available, please follow the arrow...
Now there are some new translated info-pages about Electron Probe X-ray Microanalysis (EPMA) with EDX (EDS)-spectrometers:
The MA-Table User's Manual is ready for download:
MA-Table is ready for download with new version 1.05. Unfortunately some problems occured with online-registration. MA-Table has generated not valid code for some computers. Then the registration code was not accepted and release key was denied. These users should go to install the version 1.05. This version is bug-fixed and is able to handle the problems with all registration affairs.
The new version has improvements and a reworked data base.The main lines of a series are highlighted by a color, well known this is not always the alpha-line!
The most recent works by Wendt and Assmann were taken into account(
Info: improvements + reference).
It is still necessary to improve the data for the L- and M-lines in energy region below < 1 keV.
Happy and successful new year 2004 to all visitors!
Approximately 2 years of existence, now the iternet portal has more than 1000 visitors per month (current statistic
Thank you ... to active and 'still' inactive visitors (by the way, what is happen with the discussion forum, the German forum is already working - forum
The MA-Table software is just finished. The program displays all EDX line energies. Possible elements for peak position are searched. Furthermore, line overlaps with other elements are displayed. Additionally a spectrum simulation is integrated, which demonstrates very realistically the influences of the excitation conditions on the spectrum. The detection limits with given excitation, acquisition time and overlap situation are estimated. Even a spectra acquisition process (start/stop acquisition) is simulatable. (further infos:
MA-Table can be used under certain conditions free of charge.
Table of line energies is now available for Palm®-users (Handheld, PDA) as PDF-File (optimized for Adobe Acrobat Reader® for Palm OS® - a wall chart of characteristic lines and excitation energies in keV units... the
An other Palm® optimized PDF-file contains the periodic chart of elements. Both free of charge downloads are very useful tools for microanalysts and X-ray users. With installation on Handheld they are available every times. The required memory is very low.
A new WWW-forum exists to discuss the entire field of 'X-ray spectrometry'
(see also -forum )
This home page starts now with an english version, after one year successfully living as the german original ''. Only 'Downloads', 'Software' and 'Links' sides are available nowdays. Klicking Software you can get a wall chart of all energies of EDX characteristic line series (in keV units), ready to print or to install at your own computer desktop.
Till now not all pages are available in translation. Please visit these sides once again at later time, or go to the german version
If there are any wrong translations or not understandable items, please feel free and contact me via May be, I need some support of an english native speaker who is a micro analyst and who is able to spend something time to internet communication. Who is able to help me?